Infinitum Golf Club – Spain – Winter 2023

The technical preparation for 2023 is already in full swing!

Indeed, together with the Swiss National Team Boys, I spent two intense but stimulating weeks in Spain at the Infinitum Golf Club, this February.

The days began early! At 7 :15 am we were already at the gym, and after a workout me spent the entire day on the golf course.

Moreover, every day we performed targeted training to strengthen our game, improve our short game and become snipers in putting.

On top of that, the first week we have been delighted to work with a short game guru: coach V. Gustavson, who works with many athletes on Tour. It was extremely motivating and inspiring to learn from a such qualified pro!

During this time in Spain, we also played the qualifying rounds of the Switzerland-Germany-Italy-Sweden quadrangular to be held at the end of March in Geneva.

I admit that I could have performed better, but I am still happy that I was able to qualify to play the quadrangular.

Last but certainly not least, a big thanks to Swiss Golf for the opportunity of spending two weeks of great golf is warm weather!!

Ti potrebbe piacere: